Manage The Entire Work Permitting Process For Each Of Your Company's Sites
Digitize the entire permitting process, from area-specific permit setup to issuing to permit closeout or reissue.

How Your Team Benefits
Unique Features
With SmartHub Permits you can easily create, issue and manage your work permits electronically; make issuing work permits to contractors a hassle-free experience.

Operate An Effortless Permit Creation Process
With SmartHub Permits you can easily create, issue and manage your work permits electronically; make issuing work permits to contractors a hassle-free experience.

Accelerate The Approval Process
With SmartHub Permits, you can stop latency approval delays; go from issuing permits electronically to gaining authorization and commencing work within minutes.

Handle Permit Activities On The Go
SmartHub Permits allows operators to communicate and configure permit updates, electronically, from just about anywhere using a mobile phone or tablet.
Mutual Respect, Accountability, And Success
Connect More Data Sources
Is your data in a silo? SmartHub Connectors can connect to hundreds of silo data sources.

With SmartHub Permits, You Can Digitize The Entire Permitting Process
Digitize The Entire Permitting Process
With SmartHub Permits, you can digitize the entire permitting process, from area-specific permit setup to issuing to permit closeout or reissue.
Many companies use paper to drive their permit process.
SmartHub Permits offers a paperless solution to eliminate excess paperwork and improve the handover process, whether issuing a permit or performing the work.

Easily Create, Issue And Manage Your Work Permits Electronically
Manage All Work Permit Activities From Start To Finish
SmartHub Permits allows users to quickly and easily create, request, and manage permits, electronically, for all manner of hazardous works:
Authorize permits digitally prior to work
Re-issue permits previously built for other purposes
Notify contractor of any unsafe conditions that may exist in their work area.

Accelerate The Approval Process
Gain Control Over The Permit Issuance And Approval Process
SmartHub Permits offers real-time visibility of work and permits, and interface with qualifying and preparation of work for contractors and operations:
Manage contractor approval and documentation from one place
Contractors can accept, reject and request extensions on permits
Sign off can be accomplished electronically between operations, contractors, and engineering

SmartHub Permits Allows Customers To Create Customized Permits
Create Customized Permits
SmartHub Permits allows customers to create customized permits, such as permits specifically for a contractor that works in the plant frequently.
With SmartHub Permits, you can add items that are only relevant to that type of work regarding a permit.
Become more efficient when issuing permits by creating relevant properties to be more specific to the job task.

Maintain Your Social Distance While Managing The Entire Work Permitting Process Of Your Site
Manage Work Permits Without Exposure
With SmartHub Permits you can maintain your social distance while managing the entire work permitting process of your site.
SmartHub Permits enables operators to communicate and configure electronic permit updates, without exposing operations, using a mobile phone or tablet.

Cross-Platform Mobile Application
Compatible With Any Mobile Platform
SmartHub is a cross-platform mobile application compatible with leading mobile operating systems including iOS, Android, and Windows Phone
Secure Your Cloud APIs
Fast And Secure Authentication
With SmartHub you ensure that your data being transmitted over the cloud is secure. SmartHub operates as a custom connector to the PIWebApi using Oauth 2.0 authentication.
Secure Your Cloud APIs – SmartHub uses OAuth 2.0 to provide a consistent, flexible identity and policy architecture to combat password anti-pattern.